Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fools of us All - Chapter 51


“Would you like a drink, sir?” asked the aide. He grabbed a series of bottles, deftly pouring and mixing a cocktail of some sort.

“Wha..oh, yes. Of course.” The general scrawled his signature at the bottom of a page. As he accepted the drink, he sat back, rubbing his neck. “That’s good,” he complimented his aide.

“Only the best for you, sir,” came the smooth reply. I was surprised at how casual this aide was with such an important man. Judging from the plethora of stars and stripes on the general’s uniform, he must have been the highest man in the army.

“Have we received any reports back from the field?” The general tipped his glass up, finishing the entire drink.

“Everything is proceeding as planned,” replied the aide. He quickly prepared a new drink.

“I’m still not comfortable with this,” said the general, accepting the new drink.

A sour expression flitted across the aide’s face, but it was gone before the general could notice. “I understand, General Toshi, but you saw how restless the workers were getting. We needed something to stop any chance of them organising or revolting. We need them under control and faking some alien attacks was enough to get them scared and clamouring for our help and control. Plus, revealing this information to the public will unite them and make them think that they need us to protect them as well. Everyone is under our control now.”

The general leaned back, holding out an empty glass. “I guess so,” he said reluctantly. “I am curious how you managed to set up the fake attacks so quickly.”

The aide smiled his oily smile. “It is amazing what bureaucracy can accomplish when the goal is its own gain.”

I pulled back from the window, staring at nothing for a long time. “We have to reveal the truth,” I whispered. I glanced over at Spin whose shoulders visibly slumped.

“Why did I know you were going to say that?” he lamented.

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