Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thunderfunk the Superchicken - Chapter 15

It Has Begun!

The sun was just breaking over the horizon, but in the urban jungle that was Tokyo the streets were still covered in the shadows of the buildings. Moments earlier an explosion had rocked the area flipping cars into the air, sending them crashing down in the morning gloom. Smoke settled across the road, giving the scene the feeling of a London fog. Thunderfunk the Superchicken stood at the end of the street, laughing evilly at the chaos around him. A young man in an old style pilot’s helmet and goggles leaned casually against a light post, munching on a fruity oaty bar. Civilians scattered like pins at a bowling alley.

And then, out of the smoke stepped a figure. No, more than a figure – a legend. He wore a spandex suit so tight it was almost painted onto his massive, rippling muscles. Baby blue go-go boots came up nearly to his knees and matched the soft blue of his eyes perfectly. His orange spandex contrasted nicely with the boots, and the single Japanese character in black shadow with a white outline somehow managed to tie the entire ensemble together. His massive arms looked particularly well defined and a sheen of sweat made his skin glisten. A cape was attached at the neck and it flapped enthusiastically in a breeze that moments ago had not been there.

Thunderfunk glared down the street and laughed. "Do you think you can frighten me?" he mocked.

A single beam of light chose that moment to bounce off of a window into another window, and from there it landed on Super Happy Go-Go Boots Joy, suffusing him with a soft, angelic glow.

Thunder swallowed hard. That was an impressive trick.

And then there was no more time for thoughts as the battle was joined. Yelling unintelligibly in Japanese, SHGGBJ darted forward. Suddenly the world around Thunder changed. The buildings disappeared, replaced by a dark red background all around him. SHGGBJ was running towards him, still yelling, but somehow he failed to come any closer. The world around him was a bright green colour and was somehow blurred as though seen at great speed. The Japanese hero leapt impossibly high in the air, and suddenly Thunder could understand what he was saying: "Leave Boot Impression In Enemies Face Sudoku Attack!" His background was now yellow.

Disoriented, Thunder could feel himself break out in sweat. A giant drop of sweat appeared at the side of his head, and he opened his mouth impossibly wide. "Oh no!" he shouted as the hero’s go-go boot came hurtling towards his head. At the last minute he threw himself backwards, and the boot only caught a glancing blow. Thunder flew back slowly, the red background changing to a streaky white background. Finally he came crashing to the ground.

He rose to his feet, a little confused about what just happened. "Did you just..." he began before being pelted with a banana. "Uh," he began again, only to be hit with another banana. Pivoting on his heel he glared at the octopus that was clinging to the light post next to Daq, another peeled banana in one of his tentacles. "Cut that out!" snapped the chicken. He turned to face his foe again, only to be hit with a dozen more bananas. A string of Japanese words floated by, each one flicking him right on the beak. Blinking hard, Thunder glanced back at the light post. "Deal with it," he growled at Straw. Striding forward a step, he ducked, avoiding another hurled banana.

"Deal with it?" groused Straw under his breath. "Like that is so easy." Rolling up his sleeves, he briefly considered wondering about where the silk aviator’s scarf that was wrapped around his neck had come from, but wisely decided that it was not worth the effort. Reaching up he grabbed the octopus around the area where its neck theoretically would be. "Let’s talk," he said, pulling it down and staring into its eyes. The battle was now fully begun. Beginned? No, begun.

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