Monday, July 27, 2009

Fools of us All - Chapter 44


I was paralysed with fear and doubt. The past week had been difficult and I was tired and couldn’t concentrate anymore. I had not had a good night’s sleep since that night. I was still at a loss to explain what had happened. I could only vaguely remember fighting my way through a crowd and then carrying Caz into the tunnels, where we had been hiding ever since.

Her injuries were pretty bad. To be honest, I was not even sure how she was still alive. There had been so much blood that I thought she had died before I could set her down. I was still dazed from the fight, but I think I remember my hands feeling extremely warm.

I fell asleep for some time and when I woke up, Caz was still alive. She muttered to herself in her sleep, and once she had sat up and screamed so loudly that I was sure we would be caught. When she had quieted down, I had picked her up again and carried her to a new location.

That was the first time that I had really noticed that my arm was healed. There was no pain, no bruising, no scarring, no anything that would indicate that it had been broken so badly that I looked like I had an extra elbow. I had no explanation for what had happened.

Everything was overwhelming if I thought about it. I was lost in time, unable to get back home, unsure of what to do here in whatever now I found myself. The only solace had been found in reading the book I had stolen from the archives.

But even that solace was tinged with terror.

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