Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thunderfunk the Superchicken - Chapter 8

That's Lunch Everyone

Thunderfunk the Superchicken watched as Straw Daq, his faithful servant and lackey settled himself in front of the computer terminal. They were once again in the main war room, as he liked to call it, preparing for their next battle. He pulled up the background information on their newest foe.

Though newest was perhaps the wrong adjective. Most recent would be more apropos, given how the face that stared at him on the massive bank of monitors was intimately familiar to him. First Lieutenant Awesomepants had been a thorn in his side from the very beginning of his diabolical career. The first time they had met, Thunder had beat him soundly, leaving him dead in the street, or so he thought. The next day he had been surprised to find First Lieutenant Awesomepants waiting at his door, ready for another round. The end of that day had seen Thunder in jail for the first, and thus far only, time. Since that day, the irritating super-hero had popped up at the most inconvenient times, getting in the way of his master plans. He was almost as annoying as Cornelius J. Breadbuuter.

It was not fair that he had two nemeses.

"So what is going on, boss?" asked Straw Daq after giving Thunder an appropriate amount of time for reflection.

"It would appear," said Thunder, "that our indomitable foe has taken it upon himself to form a team of heroes designed to destroy the so-called villains of this world."

"Ah." Straw sat quietly for a moment. "So....what. You want to go for some food?"

"Is that all you can think about at a time like this? Food?"

Straw shrugged. "I missed lunch."

"As did I, now that you mention it. Well then, shall we? I’m in the mood for something light, perhaps a good salad." He moved towards the stairs that led to the house proper.

"Ooh, how about the Olive Garden? They just opened up over on Fourth, supposed to have a great lunch deal on right now." Straw’s voice trailed away as he followed his boss.

The massive lights shut off, plunging the room into darkness, leaving it a large black cave.

Somehow, it missed them.

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